IT DIP II Work Integrated Learning

In order for me to obtain my diploma in Network Design and Administration I am required to complete a work integrated learning module in my second year of studies at CTU Training Solutions. This module takes an educational approach that blends classroom-based learning with practical work experience.

It serves the purpose of giving students at CTU Training Solutions the opportunity of developing their professional skills and gaining practical experience in their field of study.

To complete this module evidence should be submitted of tasks that have been created, assigned and reviewed by a mentor. In my case I had the privilege of receiving guidance and mentorship from Ronald Bartels.

Ronald specializes in SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking) and is the director (not the financial director) at the leading specialized SD-WAN provider in South Africa. (Fusion Broadband South Africa)

A fusion broadband SD-WAN was sent to me by Ronald in order for me to complete my work integrated learning. I quickly discovered that it has more than just plug and play functionality.

The tasks assigned to me had to meet specific exit level outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate effective use of computer systems in a business environment.
  2. Design, use and maintain a database in a corporate environment.
  3. Identify, install, support and troubleshoot system and application software.
  4. Design, plan and implement networked systems based on different scenarios, requirements and limitations.
  5. Perform network maintenance, support and security.

As I completed and documented the tasks assigned to me I learned quite a few things that changed my perspective on networking. When I started this journey I was very much unaware of what can be achieved without using “Silicon Valley” solutions.

You might wonder what I was up to and what the tasks were assigned to me. I have received permission to share these documents, feel free to take a look here.




